About the organization

Missions Agency / Non-Profit

MAF operates a fleet of 120 light aircraft in 29 countries in the most isolated parts of Africa, Asia, Eurasia, and Latin America. Our pilots save valuable travel time and cover seemingly impossible distances in minutes or hours compared to days by foot, road, or river. Each year, we fly over two million nautical miles to speed the work of some 1500 Christian and humanitarian organizations. MAF supports indigenous churches and local evangelists, creates access to medical care, provides disaster relief, and makes community development projects possible ... in some of the most remote places on earth.  MAF does disaster relief and medevacs.

MAF Missionaries William and Debora (MD) Romualdo will be at GHMC 2024.  Debora will serve as a Pediatrician in Nampula, Mozambique.  the Romualdos are currently raising financial and prayer support. Drop by our booth and talk to them.



What's new with Mission Aviation Fellowship...


112 N Pilatus Ln Nampa, ID 83687, US


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