About the organization

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MAP International is a global Christian health organization that partners with people living in conditions of poverty to save lives and develop healthier families and communities. Recognized for our 99% efficiency rating, we respond to the needs of those we serve by providing medicines, preventing disease, and promoting health to create real hope and lasting change.

While "MAP" historically stood for "Medical Assistance Programs," our work has long since expanded beyond medical assistance. Today, MAP aims to empower individuals and families living in the poorest communities to create their own solutions to improve the health and development of their families and their communities. This is what we call Total Health—the capacity for people to work together and transform their situation in a sustainable way so they can advance their physical, emotional, social, economical, environmental, and spiritual well-being.

MAP International's task now is to support these communities by providing them with training and resources. To this end, we have created a system that allows us to procure hundreds of millions of dollars worth of essential medicines and supplies and deliver them to areas that lack access to these resources. Through the supplies and support MAP provides, we do more than just help fight and prevent diseases in poor communities—we also help them take action to change the conditions right where they live. And to date, MAP International has distributed almost $6 billion in medicines and supplies, helping more than 2 billion people in need worldwide.

Charity Navigator—America's largest independent charity evaluator—has given MAP International a four-star rating out of four for its sound fiscal management practices and commitment to transparency and accountability. Further, for more than 10 years Forbes.com has given MAP top rankings and in January 2016, CNBC ranked MAP International #2 in Global NGOs changing the world. MAP International - creating real hope and lasting change. www.map.org800-225-8550 - map@map.org for more information.

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4700 Glynco Parkway Brunswick, GA 31525-6800, US



  • Melanie Tippin
  • Luke Murray
  • Rebecca Oliver
  • Shannon Tucker
  • Spencer Stith
  • Mark Wells
  • Jessica Worland
  • Carly Cloud
  • Sarah Janssen
  • Wes Vaughan


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