About the organization

Missions Agency / Non-Profit

We are intentional in our relationships and service to our communities by involving the community in creating their own solutions to the problems they face everyday physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We aim to empower and not enable through working as a team to solve the presented needs – collaborating with the families, churches, and community leaders. We are here for the long term – although we use the energy of short-term missions teams to accomplish those solutions, each activity that we do fits into the larger picture of serving our communities where they need it the most. Because of our constant involvement in our communities, a short-term project is part of a lasting, long-term change to lives.

We serve our communities in a variety of ways including our medical and dental clinic, community development, education, and church and school support. 

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community of lo de reina Comayagua, comayagua 00000, HN


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