About the organization

Missions Agency / Non-Profit

Christar exists to cultivate Christ-honoring transformation in communities where He is yet to be worshiped. Specifically, Christar focuses on the least-reached regions of the world—areas where people have no access to a church that both presents the gospel in their language and worships using their cultural forms. Building on a heritage of over 110 years of church-planting experience, Christar workers seek to have a Christ-honoring influence in least-reached communities at large while sharing the good news of Jesus with people who’ve never heard.

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Schedule a meeting with one of Christar's representatives.


1778 N Plano Rd Suite 212 Richardson, TX 75081, US



  • Andrew Broeckelman
  • Canette Succe
  • Shirley Lau
  • Joseph Daniel
  • Shannon Kingery


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