The THV-50-40-10® : Total Health Village - a unique strategy for Holistic community development

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MAP’s ministry is grounded in a broad vision and understanding of health. MAP’s guiding principles state that among the many human needs, it is called to focus on the ministry of Total Health. Total health doesn’t describe the state of someone’s health but rather the ways that individuals, families and communities can take responsible action to improve their well-being. Self empowerment and holism are therefore important dimensions of the THV50-40-10®.The THV50-40-10®program is a ‘Low input, high-impact strategy for achieving the Millennium Development Goals’. It is a cost effective community development strategy that leads to Total Well being; a way to impact a whole village of close to a thousand people through a facilitative and low input cost strategy .It is a completely Participatory strategy where communities identify needs, analyze their situation, plan a response strategy, actively work with the CORP (Community’s Own Resource Persons) and ENGAGE actively in solving their own problems. The session will cover the principles, practices and strategies for launching THV-50-40-10® (Total Health Village)

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