Healthcare professional education and the demands of practice have been shown to diminish compassion and increasingly lead to burnout among healthcare professionals. Education in whole person medicine attempts to restore wholism to healthcare, those who practice it, and those it serves. It recognizes humans are integrated wholes, whose illnesses interact with and affect all facets of their being. All must be addressed to restore health or shalom. PRIME’s (Partnerships in International Medical Education) ( whole person care curriculum is based on adult educational principles, evidence-based medicine and teaching methods, and biblically-based values. It has been taught, accepted, and practiced in a wide variety of cultures and faith groups. A recent study showed this type of program is practical within current visit constraints and can increase patient and healthcare professional satisfaction and decrease burnout. This session will present and model the approach of the PRIME curriculum and provide information on additional training opportunities in whole person medicine.
At the end of the session, the participant will be able to:
1) Analyze ways in which their practice of patient care (or for students, their ideas of how patient care should be practiced) may contribute to loss of compassion and burnout.
2) Adapt current practice methods (or for students, their ideas for of how patient care should be practiced) to more wholistic ones which may increase healthcare professional and patient satisfaction and lessen the chance of burnout; and
3) Research additional training opportunities in whole person medicine.