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Practical Approaches Towards Elimination of the Top 5 Neglected Tropical Diseases

The 5 most common neglected tropical diseases affect over 1.5 billion people, including more than 1 billion children. Medical missionaries working in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia will certainly come in contact with most of these diseases on a daily basis. It is time for us to do more than just treat them. Mass drug adminstration programs were developed to help control and eradicate thes...

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The move of the local church in the Global South

At Life in Abundance we believe that investment in the local church is both an effective and transformative tool for sustainable community development, sustainable community health, and sustainable social and spiritual change. There are stories, there is a model and there is movement taking place across the global south and I look forward to sharing this with you.

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Mental Health Needs of Millennial Missionaries

This session will describe unique needs of Millennial missionaries in the current culture. We will discuss how building relationships with God, self and others will aid in longevity on the field, contentment, struggling well, lamenting suffering and balancing stresses with supports.

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Advanced Practice Providers on the Mission Field

Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants can be a vital part of the mission team. We will use this session to discuss how APPs can be utilized on the field, how to prepare for missions, what to expect from your first trip, and so much more. Please join us!

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Approach to Fever in the Tropics

A case-based, interactive review of how to diagnose and manage febrile patients in tropical settings

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Our Current Missions Assignment (Expanded)

The missional landscape has changed. The recent global events, the shifting distribution of Christians, and the realities of what God is allowing; are presenting a whole new missional landscape. What then are the new structures, approaches, and strategies that are proving effective for missions in our days? This will be shared with a special emphasis on the emerging role of medical missions and...

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Exploring the Journey to Full-Time Missions: Agencies, Funding, Singles/Families, God’s Guidance

Hear healthcare missionaries share their journeys. In the first hour hear a panel of two docs and two nurses answer your questions as well as: How do I find God’s guidance in the journey? Why and How do I connect with a mentor, agency, team, and/or training? What about student loans, and raising financial support? What if my spouse or family are not supportive of me doing missions? The se...

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7 Unique Mission Trip Gift Ideas

Talk with your missionary about what needs they might have. This will help you avoid getting a mission trip gift that won’t work at all!

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The Training Years: Wisdom for What’s Now and Pearls for What's Next

For those in training and recently finished, we will learn how to maximize this season. We’ll spend the first half tackling topics like original motivation, long-haul stamina, pearls and pitfalls of living in community, debt, vision for one’s next step to the nations, and helping the needy now tensioned with investing in education to help others later. We pray this will infuse you w...

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The Role of Nurses in Missions

We are all called to live missionally. It is the Lord's plan for all peoples to know of His glory. As nurses, we may have access to those who have never heard the Gospel. We can get behind closed doors working within communities, establish trust, pray with patients, and provide wholistic care. Nurses care for the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of people. We can use the discipline ...

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